![]() 我们的价值 H.E.C注重英语语法,发音,写作及理解,教材均选用教育局所推荐的本土教材,在英语教育的同时,我们也让您的孩子亲身接触到本土文化,培养英式思维能力。 H.E.C的每套课程均配备专业外教与学生进行一对一互动,确保学生的课堂知识理解及口语交流能力。课后安排助教和中教老师进行复习和考前强化,与家长保持及时反馈及孩子学习交流。 我们的长线课程全部小班化教学(5-8人),课程全由毕业于全球前二十的教学经验丰富的中外教老师教授,课堂及课后均配备助教老师,保证教学质量。 Our Value Helvellyn English Centre focusses on grammar and pronunciation, writing and comprehension and based on recognised quality learning materials. Our courses offer a high level of interaction and a personal learning experience, with regular feedback and communication to parents. Students are taught in small classes (maximum 8) by a UK or experienced Chinese teacher, and are also assigned with a teaching assistant. ![]() Fun learning environment Our friendly and engaging staff help to ensure that the classes are also fun for our students. We help ensure that our students are happy and enjoying their learning with us. We encourage students to consolidate their weekly learning with us through homework tasks and participating in online lessons. 有趣而专业的老师保证了课堂的趣味性。我们的学生在这样的课堂氛围下都能开心地学习。课堂上学到的知识亦需要课后作业来巩固。我们监督学生按时完成课后作业并鼓励学生参与线上课程,确保知识的吸收及巩固。 We work in partnership with students and parents and regard this co-operation as a strong basis for effective learning outcomes. We offer and receive regular feedback on the impact on each child’s progress, highlighting and addressing weaknesses. We understand the trust that parents place with us for their child’s learning and are pleased that they are happy with us and feel we are responsible teachers.
Below are more comments we have received from parents and students. 我们与孩子及家长均保持和谐融洽的关系,这种友好关系为孩子的高效率学习奠定了基础。老师与家长间保持及时双向反馈,我们关注每个孩子英语学习的强项,弱项以及进步。我们感谢家长对我们的信任同时也为他们对我们教学的肯定而感到开心。 以下是一些我们收到的家长及学生对我们的评价: |